Although China's economy has been developing at a rapid pace, the income levels of China's ordinary residents, are still lagging behind. Our reporter Guan Xin takes a look at the life of Beijing's ordinary residents to find out if their income levels are on a par with the rising living costs.虽然中国经济处在快速发展当中,普通居民的收入水平却仍落后于发达国家。中央9台的记者专程探访北京普通居民的生活,看看他们的收入水平是否跟得上不断上涨的消费水平。
China, a country with fast-growing fortunes and wealth.But prosperity in the cities isn't the whole story on the real life of ordinary people.
Li Shanshan is a typical wage earner. Li graduated from a good university in Beijing, and is now working for IBM. Her income is around the city's average, but she can only afford a simple life. She's forced to calculate every expenditure, including small daily necessities.
"I have a tight budget, and I make every single record ofmy expenditure in the notebook. Even that, sometimes there are still some expenditures that I expensed that I could not afford. Therefore I applied for a credit card, and pay it back next month."
She lives in this old apartment, but the rental fees are still a big expenditure for her. To save on costs, she splits the rent with a room mate. Her salary, at several thousand yuan, means living alone in a rented apartment is unrealistic, and buying a home is far beyond reach.
This is the way most Chinese fresh graduates are living, usually they share apartment with friends, and manage every single expenditure carefully. Obviously their consumption ability is restricted.
Economists say the low income levels of ordinary Chinese workers, is a big hurdle to stimulate consumption.
Increasing ordinary people's income is not only meant to balance the country's economic growth structure. More importantly, experts say it allows ordinary Chinese people to enjoy a larger share of the fruit of the country's amazing economic growth.
有专家称,提高普通居民的收入不仅可以平衡国家的经济增长结构,更重要的是,在国家经济日新月异地增长的同时,也能让普通的中国居民分享到更多“革命胜利的果实。” 很不错的啊,可恩学科英语师资力量很雄厚,并且拥有全球2000位顶尖外籍顾问,非常的幽默。他们不仅仅是好的英语老师,也是非常好的心理专家。他们知道怎样去激发人的积极性。从而让更多的学员学到最正宗最好的英语知识!