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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-20 13:28
  • 签到天数: 23 天


    发表于 2011-1-5 15:00:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

    250. We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed.
    : W# i! j  l6 D+ Z* q* G我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。

    ) j; d& |" o; K3 ?( q- ^! K$ d+ O: i  A5 q5 R
    251. The accessory successor never made concessions to difficulties, so he succeeded in accessing successive successes.
    ; H$ k8 e& h. A% `( y' B7 i附属继承人从未向困难妥协,因此在走向连续的成功之路上成功了.: v: V; T/ E; ?) J5 v
    # X* [* m: @6 D7 @/ s% x
    252. I exceed the excellent student who has excessive excellence.
    ( q/ }+ i( y, x/ D7 l- [% X我胜过那个有过多优点的优秀学生.: b/ z, A- Y9 x$ X% X+ m

    3 v" n! q: x5 a, J' {253. During the procession, the microprocessor finished the processing procedure.
    2 L2 v3 O2 K0 M& i! [  T6 x在队伍行进时,微处理器完成了加工过程.3 S' E% v! p6 ]! u

      r* X" Q! y" n% @8 `254. The chess professor confessed his professional blessing in the confession.5 m% i' o2 z2 P: ~
    象棋教授在供状中承认了其职业福气.6 M( z% x. P9 C7 h
    8 z7 I  T  H4 N- p
    255. The progressive congressman dressed in black stressed his distress.
    + `$ f/ N  L4 {  a1 o; {- E穿着黑色衣服的进步国会议员强调了他的不幸.
    ( u9 z& Z' E( s  \) |4 L# S7 H0 c' `( K8 f8 q- |, s' \
    256. The man depressed by the pressure from the press expressed the impression on him.
    : @3 L( d9 A+ e+ W" W那个受到来自新闻界压力压抑的人表达了他的印象.( O0 |! A! O9 R. H- F8 m3 X+ m! Z

    ( W1 P6 S0 W! H/ T1 b257. Initially I kept silent to the essential essay.
    1 p" K2 S" e, l0 c2 u+ n起初我对这个重要的短评保持沉默。
    9 C6 s/ D2 I# b) d0 Z7 _& t3 C4 V0 {3 D3 k% M( H" g! v
    258. The enforced law reinforced that forced divorce is forbidden.# G5 e7 g, Y7 L
    实施的法律强化了禁止强迫离婚.9 Z7 q: Y$ C; \: ]' w$ Q

    ( W! S0 i- _- w4 }, @259. In the cork workshop, the workers fork the pork.
    . |$ H  @  k3 a( H9 k, O在软木车间,工人们用叉子叉猪肉.
    # x8 b5 `& V  K! ?( E9 i. A5 P9 {. \2 h  Z
    260. That person personally persuaded the personnel with persuasive words.
    , f: |6 n6 A, L' a  P" R, u那个人用有说服力的话亲自说服了人事部门。$ E" Q) w, j) h
    4 o* G9 {8 J* J& M# N
    261. The dull bull fully fulfilled pulling the bulletproof bulletin board.( H% h$ s8 v* L' C
    2 W/ ]! c8 {9 r% i2 H. r0 q5 x# g# t  \" h6 n; l' f8 V
    262. The lucky duck tucked in truck suddenly sucked the gas from the bucket.( h$ @- T/ a. V) c7 }( e  a
    塞在卡车里的幸运鸭子突然从桶里吸汽油." R& m' i; S  T# _( v: }/ S" u% Q
    / Q9 }# v) r; N+ T6 I/ Z, S6 ]
    263. Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil.
    7 y; M( d7 p5 C+ S( Q4 V) R- m把被盥洗室里的线圈弄脏的油煮开,免得它变质.
    5 o4 Z) k# I0 L
    " T% g: Y3 G4 B# z8 z- t+ l. ?264. The selfish man put himself on the shelf.
    - l8 ^: b% j6 P! n6 y+ Y: @那个自私的人把自己束之高阁。
    6 W: N3 a+ }9 E  e
    1 b/ k" Z" r4 v2 Y265. In this climate, the climber climbed up the cliff with his stiff limbs.7 g6 M' a' J8 b' J9 N
    在这种气候下,攀登者用僵硬的四肢爬上悬崖.. U8 r6 H* E) x1 x' v$ w7 y+ E
    & u6 v5 {5 a) A2 u' E% W
    266. The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.
    6 V, X1 q$ }8 B8 ~% h, q喘气的职员们闷热的胸中填满了足够的痛苦.& [  E9 ]0 A6 K, G
    " y( b# T" _+ T; |* ?3 Q7 D0 x
    267. The member of good memory remembers to commemorate his friend with memorials.
    # D$ p7 M7 c; ?# @5 |9 W; y那位记性好的成员记得用纪念品纪念他的朋友。
    0 v. `8 w6 H% Q) D; c/ I! d4 y& \/ ^1 V! N  k3 O
    268. The room is lumbered with numerous cucumbers.. z% g, c. o2 Z' M& l. o3 K3 |
    ) u5 S7 Q5 \6 J( q* p& ]# ?; v5 g
    $ @8 \: s/ [7 T4 P5 v269. The poet's toes get out of his shoes. Here heroes are zeros.
    " y/ s6 a% u) k+ Z诗人的脚趾露出了鞋子。在这里英雄无足轻重。
    / S+ u" W( W' A3 K- ]8 C+ k" @' A( [! U
    270. In the library, arbitrary the librarian wrote the auxiliary diary about military literature.6 Z7 T8 J9 d( t
    在图书馆,武断的图书管理员写下了有关军事文学的辅助日记。  C! [2 P3 i- s7 r
    " |& J$ [- F0 w& m  @
    271. The royal destroyer employs lots of loyal employees.
    6 c* g8 r* X" c# e* @皇家驱逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员.
    0 k8 K2 z, n, B/ @/ a9 J: U" b
    0 Q% Y! P& P7 ]4 N272. On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brought me joy and annoyance.
    3 K/ G* Y3 f  x  j* T8 N在航行中,使人愉快的玩具给我带来快乐和烦恼.
    ' Y* C9 \7 t$ `0 m1 z8 q5 N% x
    * D9 p: }( v) O273. Her boyfriend fed a box of oxygen and hydrogen to the ox and fox.' Q4 y- D9 X" V9 @  h& g
    她男朋友给牛和狐狸喂了一盒子氧和氢.7 P) ~; E. u; H

    : `* @9 @) D+ a274. The instructor struggled to say, "The structure of the construction led to the destruction."
    3 a% Y: e/ ]# y! u教师挣扎着说:"建筑物的构造导致这场毁灭."
    % z2 g: m6 T1 a+ D; b& O
    ! s% |! ~1 q: s2 d8 Y3 I2 L: n4 l2 L275. I debated that the debtor was doubtless in double troubles.
    : y% x9 l/ [; s! Y) T6 E/ x! |' m我争论说债务人很可能处在双重困境中。
    % i8 D- c, n5 h9 U' v( |! V$ L' v8 k, P! L1 |
    276. With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim.
    6 x3 T1 t4 ~7 A+ s她带着暗淡的喜悦在泳池边整理泳装的边缘.
    % |" L$ a: q8 R) ^& X! w5 j  S% R' t6 v: W; K
    277. Twice the twin king wins the winter swinging under the wing of the plane.: Y3 x4 d: h( _" F( j
    ' E1 b4 V8 @% y: W/ K7 Q$ }0 M2 M, @; S* Q$ m) o& p
    278. Having piled miles of files, the compiler smiled a while at the profile.
    ' o& J( C: c' o& ]5 k堆了几英里长的文件之后,编辑对着侧面笑了一会.
    3 a4 I0 M/ x& w8 F
    - ~8 b/ c+ g" u2 ?5 c8 U8 z279. By the spoon you'll soon see the smooth tooth of the moon above the booth.
    ; F, D  }5 k1 C! q. p# K! _借助勺子你可以立刻看到电话亭上方月亮的光滑牙齿.  D& ^/ L% v2 B$ R+ U7 Z0 X! }

    9 w8 a* s8 A4 n/ `280. She met me in the Fleet Street and greeted me with a sweet smile.+ A/ Q1 L- ~5 n
    她在舰队街上遇见我,并对我致以甜甜的一笑.8 C3 a6 L, k% t" v( a! V& Q

    2 X. K- b% h7 X281. The conductor is reluctant to reduce the conductivity of the semiconductor.2 O5 s3 Y- |3 |0 b
    导演不情愿降低半导体的导电率.; U& s9 [% S( j& K' X

    + G  r5 z3 V# N$ w! m282. The producer introduced a productive technological product into production.
    & C: m( N( {. E  Y制造者把一项多产的技术成果引进到生产中.' G# E  p/ {% k& {  _3 T. V

    & p0 ]# c8 O- e; o' m283. The anxious man is unconscious of my anxiety.
    : N* ^1 S  l; m3 m" _! G那个不安的人没有觉察到我的忧虑.
    2 @& T  G! Y( z  X* c- q6 E. X8 a8 |6 X- t, o% k, ^: X4 X3 }- n+ a
    284. Previously he was obviously envious of my success.
    : Y! o8 ~* b; L+ c/ m先前他明显地嫉妒我的成功.
    6 ], P% e3 A- f* C( @/ Q/ p1 i2 |1 C* j: j1 I: M7 a! M
    285. I highly appreciate the preceding man's precious precise exercise.! I+ J1 K1 k0 y- r# g6 k5 o
    我高度欣赏前面那个人可贵的精确演练.1 X3 @3 p% X( u: E
    # J0 F6 e: R5 E4 z# }
    286. The miracle mirrors a horrible error made by the terrorists in the terrible territory.8 V, e8 A* b8 F6 t1 X- H% l
    这件奇事反映了恐怖分子在这一可怕地区犯的可怕错误.4 V+ Q- x, S# @3 B0 y/ H

    * f" f3 s& X: t% q- y287. I hurt my tongue when I hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily.7 E" s& W5 i, N& }7 x$ ]: I
    我匆忙快活地吃樱桃和草莓时伤了舌头.& e+ B/ `' ^# k+ d* C  i. f

    4 Y# X  t' H0 q+ i. O288. The man proclaimed in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.
    $ z+ s, Z9 t. u9 E: y7 ~那个人呼喊着声明说他打算索回无目标的索赔.4 B( v- M6 L% ?3 [6 @  M+ K5 t/ j: x

    0 e7 }4 D/ y: N8 ]0 o289. In no circumstances can the bicycle in the circle of the circus be a focus.1 n  R/ D$ P, U# ~+ |0 L
    马戏表演圈子中的自行车决不会成为焦点.) d0 P$ f: O9 Z: Y$ a1 `- k, O

    2 G4 i0 p; v0 r( \4 B3 u8 |290. I'm busy unless I'm blessed with less lesson.! L# f; K& U: [: U
    ! v# o5 v: H3 r, K
    4 g& X7 M, Z# v: _$ F' u; }291. How to pronounce the noun "ounce" in the announcement?
    6 t' S* N: ?! B: O" R" S布告中的名词"盎司"怎样发音?
    " b3 A  S# J# W* p
    ; Z2 w+ r; D8 w. B, G) n8 a292. It's incredible that the editor's editorial in this edition is edible.
    1 u0 b0 l7 u' [' G本版中的编辑社论可以食用让人难以置信。/ h5 Y) o3 J! ^( f, n5 N2 _

      E8 u* `6 I( @+ X+ ]+ M* _* i293. The whistler whispered, "Which is rich?"& ?% ?7 J* ]3 W9 D2 I
    鸣笛者低语道:"哪一个富有?"0 J: `/ X' b( w

    1 o; h" E, V  C; d294. Which method of making the metal helmet is more economical in total?
    0 B* l* v7 J! }/ W" f. P' O+ R生产这种金属头盔的方法哪一种总体上更节约?
    " l: T7 k" \) A4 ]8 @
    - u$ l, i$ Z% T9 ^3 f, Z295. The diligent teller told a tedious story about the intelligent satellite.1 w: J9 l9 v, m% Y' F' m
    7 H# B$ n9 e" G+ e" w# ]; h  z* n
    ) v0 t5 t, y. ~296. The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.& r5 V8 [/ Z  R; k! L- Q; h) ^
    苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹." [, f; }7 h/ X- W% G, [' H7 T  w) @

    0 Z$ q. @6 N: u0 o297. The modest man moderately modified the model in this mode.
    1 I: M' L, x: B( ^) W+ F谦虚者适度地用这种方式修改了模型。! ?* }( e, T2 `. i/ k$ {

    7 j& G& Z' n9 R( n298. The humorous rumour has something to do with human humanity and vanity.5 Q) R2 l- L) Y
    那个幽默传闻与人类的仁慈和虚荣心有关。3 h0 d$ x  }& D. `+ k! Y

    % Y& K. S( m8 _4 S. m" x4 K299. The wakened cake baker awakes to that he has to brake by the lake.1 M3 C# @+ M4 z: y% G! _3 m% f, y* t' b9 n
    : F7 q" D' F7 ~- g0 T& U% @2 J7 u9 k' k- B
    300. I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.
    : @3 i4 Z( g# J& C) p0 _我追上那个误拿我赌注的承办人
    - C1 z  D: N/ L. i1 `# N, u; Y4 z

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