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forlan 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-10 20:53:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
•  表层进$ t) o" w4 Q( q2 o% x' C7 {5 B
first, firstly        to begin with
" T& I. Y' F2 y- u* p) W! vsecond, secondly        to start with1 z0 {# m) P- E' i6 @7 W
third, thirdly        what's more
  S4 r8 W- U3 e/ `) A8 ~also        and then6 r+ ^6 R1 F- R2 Y0 z' ]. K1 V
and        equally important
, B* j7 ]7 }% u$ }+ }" }* a2 i( ]4 Rbesides        in addition
0 x* Z' @+ Y9 c3 Y; Bfurther        in the first place
6 @$ c, D) v8 I- {; Z6 Xstill        furthermore6 W8 ]7 N- T: S+ x$ [0 K
last        last but not the least
0 p( d9 k' a$ x! r; h9 wnext        besides/ v3 u3 y9 k8 H* {
too        moreover  t, t0 L& Q7 j* u2 i% A: x2 r
finally        - l1 |' B, u1 A7 ?

) s5 n/ [% t" l+ c8 i% [  Z________________________________________0 q& B& I& Z  V7 |0 C
表举例3 i4 B5 u% b: R
for example        for instance1 W' g7 A& J. B1 z8 X  \( M
to illustrate        as an illustration
5 m2 M( `  C: e$ Z& q( I& S, Eafter all         7 h# t, b' R9 W  e2 i7 ~( H3 N
5 X( k; P7 k: }2 d, k7 c
________________________________________' L, }6 L/ m: [" D9 o
" `$ \0 _. J, L2 u- I8 X0 [, h, e: Vas a matter of fact        frankly speaking
3 U' [* j. Y6 R: B# iin this case        namely7 W3 N4 ~. z& D( ^' u) w' n
in other words         4 Z( E5 {% _! }, K/ Q! Y# v4 B
) q  I2 z" ?  b8 a/ V' A( `, F
________________________________________7 V) F4 W+ J3 w* ~" k
表总结8 t4 ?0 a8 q6 z0 V" s. K. @
in summary        in a word+ C1 J+ t7 j' G, t: X/ u4 @
in brief        in conclusion3 {, c/ D6 p1 q) E4 r' b
to conclude        in fact# C. V7 b% v* l
indeed        in short3 v  M8 u+ B; m: E7 V2 F6 n
in other words        of course5 `; V! O3 Q5 D  t
it is true        specially
+ A+ {6 k" H7 }0 t2 T9 xnamely        in all+ A2 s5 ?3 Y- {+ Y' M% v
that is        to summarize
' `0 y1 C' A9 |/ Bthus        as has been said
( N% o  ]( F# n- {/ e( N8 {- w5 Faltogether        in other words
- J  z( O8 m* X/ B& Hfinally        in simpler terms
  M  E: e9 ]/ q% iin particular        that is
+ v$ d* `& F& G( \on the whole        to put it differently, r( w7 l4 P6 y0 X8 F7 ~
7 ~  n6 w7 K5 c! I! I/ j5 H
9 {+ o- g. H& c1 m  k- V7 H________________________________________
; b! }* Z/ P8 s( E: Y表强调
6 L' D/ s% k6 k2 I, C7 b+ B/ @of course        indeed1 u# w9 t+ B! O& g/ J3 j6 w( X
above all        most important& R5 p  v* _0 t& Z6 ^2 Z
emphasis certainly        in fact) T4 T0 C, d( w! M: k- L

, o; C9 a$ K, d* Q3 j" @6 F________________________________________  c4 s; ?/ y* w4 @; N1 B
: K5 x* t# ~0 p  K0 vstill        nevertheless
/ ?0 ]5 i, W! ]5 h% U- k: Iin spite of        all the same
; S5 o) [% o+ R/ Deven so        after all
6 q3 s6 a+ c  Q" W0 R7 Tconcession granted        naturally
$ b+ B1 r& o- s# t4 d  Gof course         
/ P5 L- U* Q; V7 e& t
9 G: ]; f/ [4 V1 y5 j8 y+ K________________________________________
" o: h" e" V. V$ R* f表比较! O+ q, n2 R" V. o0 }
in comparison        likewise
; f* B3 E& O. F5 Q0 ^' asimilarly        equally
0 \- I+ i( r7 lhowever        likewise
1 X( H0 n# ]2 F+ h# {$ W( ^  U, C* Ain the same way           G4 K7 @9 q  j5 V" B5 H

. I& ~5 @9 K+ c! ]6 J+ F8 V________________________________________
/ g6 @) \0 h* A; a5 t& x表转折6 z4 I# {4 j0 \7 Z
by contrast        although  f  N, Q, j+ A+ P. V% }' C
at the same time        but
2 w5 h9 W" J$ c5 N: Tin contrast        nevertheless# l6 ]$ o& y) R3 b) ]% R) ~0 J
notwithstanding        on the contrary
  d1 e  a$ t4 Q- p8 Q/ ~on the other hand        otherwise# S1 T( U% [3 |. q8 {  K5 W
regardless        still8 w& v. Z/ w) `- L+ q' b/ H% I7 W3 T
though        yet
' G$ A5 V# `: @& l' S0 K1 mdespite the fact that        even so
! d- f$ F5 A+ x( b. G, ]4 u; J! Eeven though        for all that7 w* o# J+ M% ?2 k9 u0 |, _
however        in spite of3 ^; r8 T* w6 Q: y; L/ n3 ]
instead         ) f1 |7 i8 h+ A0 V- b2 t

' L4 F4 |1 u, q6 l3 ^7 y5 p________________________________________
2 f* W0 a: T! D, Q5 G9 E  |3 J表时间; |! W* |  b! [. e- B  k
after a while        afterward$ i+ O% l2 r$ M4 p
again        also
: k( A" ]! k( `and then        as long as: T8 [% M. |/ y; B$ ^7 z
at last        at length
% w3 w, G7 b$ E: Yat that time        before% m5 h9 L, h: d$ ~6 X6 w
besides        earlier
0 b/ N5 b4 n5 o# U, @eventually        finally; w& R5 x0 n7 c
formerly        further
0 q) s6 }, m! _9 w* i$ K7 kfurthermore        in addition
- `/ M: Z3 Q; a; m: F7 j# Oin the first place        in the past
& C7 z# k1 _$ t+ Z! jlast        lately
7 Z( y2 r' O3 R& s- smeanwhile        moreover' c0 o/ h+ V4 \  [7 m
next        now
9 x; V) N' g8 G9 s- ^presently        second
2 B5 B5 n% n% a8 Mshortly        simultaneously. w; V$ v. Q$ T; W; ]3 q, _. [. q
since        so far
/ d+ [; [/ ?9 @( X4 @4 l; bsoon        still
( B! |2 @0 N/ m- y0 @subsequently        then
4 J( t. v3 S. b& g- gthereafter        too
0 R# ?) b; k& K' R/ W9 nuntil        until now
( Z5 r1 i" o# G" S# F8 hwhen         1 W; z; J0 W! |/ I+ N0 o+ X
1 b% W: F# z& W% ?
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frick 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-4-22 09:46:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-5-16 15:50:00 | 只看该作者
( x/ B* u$ k8 @1 _2 ^6 v% |0 ^( T我们的语法课太无聊了,我几乎次次都逃。


发表于 2007-1-9 11:01:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-1-11 19:47:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-3-19 01:10:00 | 只看该作者
呵呵 不错


发表于 2007-3-26 19:32:00 | 只看该作者
thank you very much .


发表于 2007-3-31 21:37:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-3-31 22:26:00 | 只看该作者



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