听风无语 发表于 2005-3-23 15:54:00

seeking for BEC Vantage partner

i'm preparing for BEC Vantage held in May 28th this year.My major is Textile design and trade of college of material and textile ,zhejiang sci--tech university(浙江理工大学), Now i'd like to find apartner to practise BEC English and exchange the information of the test,
If you have participated in the test in May 28th this year and your teaching book is also 《working in english》by Leo Jones,especially your major is about ecnomics like International&nbsptrade orbusniss management or english ,then you can communicate with me by QQ25848730 or tel 138857169806 or e-mail mailtrenxinming1983@etang.com
Anyone who don't conform to the requirements,please leave me alone,thank you!
it's betterfor you to be my schoolmate.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-23 15:59:49编辑过]

风吹沙地 发表于 2005-3-23 23:30:00

<P>one of my roomates is preparing for that too. she said it was very difficult.</P><P>she was learning to prepare this text in shanghai last winter vacation, but sadly she hasn't had any QQ</P>

听风无语 发表于 2005-3-24 17:42:00

<P>do you have her e-mail,and does she had a partner yet?</P>

风吹沙地 发表于 2005-3-25 09:37:00

I think she never thought of having a partner, that's a pity

听风无语 发表于 2005-3-26 17:28:00

fainting to death!
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