jgseyou 发表于 2004-12-11 09:44:00


I hope the weather there is cold enough

         could you help me ?thanks a lot !

唯♀零 发表于 2004-12-11 10:37:00

风吹沙地 发表于 2004-12-12 01:06:00

这句话的意思是“我希望那里的天气够冷”,这不是宾语从句,there 应该是形容词修饰the weather

jgseyou 发表于 2004-12-12 12:39:00

<P>经你这么一提示我醒悟过来了,此句应该为宾语从句,there 是个副词</P><P>这句话可以改为:Ihopetheweatheris couldenough, there .</P><P>Doyouagreewithme?</P>

cy327 发表于 2004-12-14 17:24:00

<P>"there"here is   adverbial</P><P>I think your first setence is better than the latter</P>
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