想~想 发表于 2004-8-29 15:20:00


<P>To be excellent as my mate</P>

<P>The wind blows away the cloud,</P>
<P>The sun shines bitterly on the ground.</P>
<P>I feel pain on my feet,</P>
<P>My back is covered with sweat,</P>
<P>My knees is shaking,</P>
<P>The military training is tiring.</P>
<P>But I know everyone will bear the hardship,</P>
<P>No one will give up.</P>
<P>With the discinpline in my mind,</P>
<P>I will obey the offical's command.</P>
<P>I will do my best,</P>
<P>To be excellent as my mate.</P>

风吹沙地 发表于 2004-9-16 18:44:00

哈哈有意思,不过应该是To be excellent as my mateS吧

1986 发表于 2004-10-8 20:52:00

<P>There're some words that can't be undersstood by me.</P><P>How wish you were here!!My Longman!!</P>
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