Jonas 发表于 2004-5-27 11:17:00

Will I die single?

Why all of u here got married,will I die single?Is there anyone here willing to marry me?

风吹沙地 发表于 2004-5-27 11:33:00

It was a long time befor youdie you can take time to find an ideal wife.

purple 发表于 2004-5-31 18:22:00

butavery truequestion!!!!!

jakey 发表于 2004-8-14 15:26:00

may B u will

Alan 发表于 2004-8-17 05:35:00

God bless u dia peacelly

K9000 发表于 2004-10-21 01:40:00

<P>haha \</P><P>If you have a wife,you may never "DIY" anymore</P>
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