<p>根据描述写出其为哪些电脑部件!</p><p>1.controls and manipulates data to produce information <br/>2.portable data storage made from very thin,flexible plastic <br/>3.used to describe facts about something <br/>4.holds data and program instructions for proccessing data <br/>5.most important system software program,interacting between the application software and the computer <br/>6."end-user"software used for general-purpose tasks. <br/>7.( ? )sends and receives data and programs from one computer or secondary storage device to another</p><br/> <p>寒下 </p><p>这些都不需要全部翻译的 大致明白就可</p> <p>1、CPU</p><p>2、内存</p><p>3、显卡</p><p>4、硬盘</p><p>56、不明</p><p>7、数据线?</p><p>有点像我初中时做过的英语题,不过那个稍微简单点</p>